ganti template jadi warna item setelah putih yang udh dipake selama kira kira 1 bulanan...kenapa diganti??
gara gara yang putih bikin link jadi gak jelas trus gak suka aja warna putih....
btw lagi bikin list music neeh bwat trade ama temen temen dodolduren sebenernya seeh udh selesai tp ada masalah ama font yang dah coba "nyelipin" font CODE2000 (asli TOPBGT nih font --> gak perlu arialuni bwat liat bermacam macam unicode) tp ternyata gak bisa...udh seeh nanya ke developer softwarenya tp blom ada jawaban....mudah mudahan aja bisa embed font itu di exe nya...
btw ni resource yang dipake...
OpenSource iTunes Coverflow clone bikinan Nathan
Macromedia Flash Professional 8 --> sebelum dibeli ama Adobe
HTMLexecutables --> sebelum nemu SwfKit
and system requirements bwat view listnya rada gede....
Min 2GHz processor ama 256 RAM --> hasil test di notebook nyonya..
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
ada kejadian yang gak enak banget tadi siang.....
jadi gini kan gw ama nyonya lg mo makan siang tuh..karena nyonya dah pengen banget makan kwetiaw goreng yang di mrican jd makan siangnya disitu...
udh gitu semuanya seperti biasanya....nah pas gw lagi nunggu pesenanya dianter tiba tiba dateng 2 orang banci ngamen teriak teriak "halo sayang...." nah parahnya pas dia ngomong gitu salah satunya ngeliat gw.....eehh trus dia ngomong kaya gini..."kok kamu selingkuh seeh sayang.." sambil mukanya dideketin ke muka gw kaya pengen cipok gitu...
sial apes banget gw digituin ama banci trus dah gitu gw ngasih mereka recehan (gak tau brapa byk, males gw ngitungnya...) nah pas abis gw cemplungin ke kantong recehnya yang bermerek bimoli...ehh gak taunya tangan gw dipegang pegang gitu.....anjrit pelecehan seksual nih...
parahnya yang satu lagi nyubit pipi gw dari blakang udh yang dipake tenaga kuli lagi plus tangannya kasar banget....parah dah gw sampe sempet ilang selera makan.....
akhirnya to banci ngamen pergi...and gw bilang gini ke nyonya "...jangan pernah makan disini jam segini lagi...trauma gw.."
ada update di
jadi gini kan gw ama nyonya lg mo makan siang tuh..karena nyonya dah pengen banget makan kwetiaw goreng yang di mrican jd makan siangnya disitu...
udh gitu semuanya seperti biasanya....nah pas gw lagi nunggu pesenanya dianter tiba tiba dateng 2 orang banci ngamen teriak teriak "halo sayang...." nah parahnya pas dia ngomong gitu salah satunya ngeliat gw.....eehh trus dia ngomong kaya gini..."kok kamu selingkuh seeh sayang.." sambil mukanya dideketin ke muka gw kaya pengen cipok gitu...
sial apes banget gw digituin ama banci trus dah gitu gw ngasih mereka recehan (gak tau brapa byk, males gw ngitungnya...) nah pas abis gw cemplungin ke kantong recehnya yang bermerek bimoli...ehh gak taunya tangan gw dipegang pegang gitu.....anjrit pelecehan seksual nih...
parahnya yang satu lagi nyubit pipi gw dari blakang udh yang dipake tenaga kuli lagi plus tangannya kasar banget....parah dah gw sampe sempet ilang selera makan.....
akhirnya to banci ngamen pergi...and gw bilang gini ke nyonya "...jangan pernah makan disini jam segini lagi...trauma gw.."
ada update di
- semua thread baru yang berbau download dipindah ke forum...jadi harus register dulu buat liat linknya...
- trus udh diinstall guestbook
- buat administrator dapet user name ama pass
- affiliates added
Thursday, December 13, 2007
something new
baru aja selesai install script rapidgrab ama whois look-up skalian ama domain look-upnya di
fungsinya --> kalo yang rapidgrab buat fetch link dari trus yang whois look-up hehe buat seneng" aja liat siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas sebuah situs...misalnya kalo mau tau siapa yang punya tinggal tulis aja di kotak search-nya trus ketahuan deh data lengkapnya...btw kontrak domain-nya habis bulan mei 2009....
fungsinya --> kalo yang rapidgrab buat fetch link dari trus yang whois look-up hehe buat seneng" aja liat siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas sebuah situs...misalnya kalo mau tau siapa yang punya tinggal tulis aja di kotak search-nya trus ketahuan deh data lengkapnya...btw kontrak domain-nya habis bulan mei 2009....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
news from google...
beberapa hari yang lalu gw ngirim email ke google yang isinya kira kira melaporkan beberapa invalid clicks yang terjadi di
baru dapet balesannya tanggal 10 kmaren...
isinya kaya gini
" Hi Berli,
Thanks for letting us know about the recent activity on your site. Rest
assured that we've noted your input, and we'll continue to monitor the
situation closely.
I understand that you're concerned about keeping your account in good
standing. Because we have a need to protect our proprietary detection
systems, we're unable to provide you with any details about your account
activity. However, I've provided a couple of solutions below that I hope
address your concerns.
1. We encourage you to regularly review your site's traffic logs for any
suspicious activity and notify us of your findings at .
Please note that there's no need to alert us of all instances of invalid
activity, so we ask that you use your best judgment when reporting unusual
activity on your site.
If you need help logging the traffic on your site, we recommend trying
these Google search terms:
Webmaster resources
Website tracking and logging
Site traffic analysis
2. You can find tips and guidelines for keeping your account in good
standing by visiting our Help Center at .
3. Another good way to ensure that you don't generate invalid clicks is by
reviewing and remaining in compliance with our Terms and Conditions and
program policies:
I realize that you may have questions about what Google is doing to
prevent invalid click activity. You should know that our specialists
carefully monitor clicks and impressions on Google ads in order to protect
your interests as well as those of our advertisers. To do this, we use
both automated systems and human reviews, analyzing all ad clicks for any
invalid click activity that may artificially drive up an advertiser's
costs or a publisher's earnings. Please note that according to our Terms
and Conditions, Google will use its sole discretion when determining
instances of invalid clicks.
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that in the future, we may adjust your
payment for any days during which invalid clicks occurred. This helps us
protect the integrity of the AdSense program and properly credit
advertisers for any invalid activity.
Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you in the
For additional questions, I'd encourage you to visit the AdSense Help
Center ( ) or the official AdSense blog
( ). Alternatively, feel free
to post your question on the AdSense Help Forum ( ).
The Google AdSense Team"
mudah mudahan gak ada masalah deh kedepannya.....kalo jebol gw traktir sewarnet....hehehe...
trus dari pihak adsense juga ngirim email kaya gini...
" Hello,
We've recently sent you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via standard mail. You should expect to receive it within about 2-4 weeks. Once you receive your PIN, you will need to enter it into your account in order to become eligible to receive AdSense payments. To enter your PIN, simply follow the instructions included with your PIN mailer.
If you do not receive your PIN after three weeks, you may request a replacement by following the instructions at .
Please note that publishers have 6 months from the original issue date to enter their PIN. If you have not entered your PIN within 4 months, we will start displaying Public Service Ads (PSAs) on your web pages. If you have not entered your PIN within 6 months, your account will be disabled and any unpaid earnings will be refunded to the appropriate advertisers. You can learn more about our PIN policy at .
For additional questions about getting paid, please visit . If you prefer a video presentation of this information, we encourage you to watch our Payment demo (currently available in English only), located at .
The Google AdSense Team"
gak ngerti maksudnya apa mungkin untuk validasi pembayaran seeh nagkepnya gitu...PIN-nya nyampe katanya skitar 2 sampe 4 minggu lagi....tungguin aja deh....
baru dapet balesannya tanggal 10 kmaren...
isinya kaya gini
" Hi Berli,
Thanks for letting us know about the recent activity on your site. Rest
assured that we've noted your input, and we'll continue to monitor the
situation closely.
I understand that you're concerned about keeping your account in good
standing. Because we have a need to protect our proprietary detection
systems, we're unable to provide you with any details about your account
activity. However, I've provided a couple of solutions below that I hope
address your concerns.
1. We encourage you to regularly review your site's traffic logs for any
suspicious activity and notify us of your findings at
Please note that there's no need to alert us of all instances of invalid
activity, so we ask that you use your best judgment when reporting unusual
activity on your site.
If you need help logging the traffic on your site, we recommend trying
these Google search terms:
Webmaster resources
Website tracking and logging
Site traffic analysis
2. You can find tips and guidelines for keeping your account in good
standing by visiting our Help Center at
3. Another good way to ensure that you don't generate invalid clicks is by
reviewing and remaining in compliance with our Terms and Conditions and
program policies:
I realize that you may have questions about what Google is doing to
prevent invalid click activity. You should know that our specialists
carefully monitor clicks and impressions on Google ads in order to protect
your interests as well as those of our advertisers. To do this, we use
both automated systems and human reviews, analyzing all ad clicks for any
invalid click activity that may artificially drive up an advertiser's
costs or a publisher's earnings. Please note that according to our Terms
and Conditions, Google will use its sole discretion when determining
instances of invalid clicks.
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that in the future, we may adjust your
payment for any days during which invalid clicks occurred. This helps us
protect the integrity of the AdSense program and properly credit
advertisers for any invalid activity.
Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to working with you in the
For additional questions, I'd encourage you to visit the AdSense Help
Center (
to post your question on the AdSense Help Forum (
The Google AdSense Team"
mudah mudahan gak ada masalah deh kedepannya.....kalo jebol gw traktir sewarnet....hehehe...
trus dari pihak adsense juga ngirim email kaya gini...
" Hello,
We've recently sent you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) via standard mail. You should expect to receive it within about 2-4 weeks. Once you receive your PIN, you will need to enter it into your account in order to become eligible to receive AdSense payments. To enter your PIN, simply follow the instructions included with your PIN mailer.
If you do not receive your PIN after three weeks, you may request a replacement by following the instructions at
Please note that publishers have 6 months from the original issue date to enter their PIN. If you have not entered your PIN within 4 months, we will start displaying Public Service Ads (PSAs) on your web pages. If you have not entered your PIN within 6 months, your account will be disabled and any unpaid earnings will be refunded to the appropriate advertisers. You can learn more about our PIN policy at
For additional questions about getting paid, please visit
The Google AdSense Team"
gak ngerti maksudnya apa mungkin untuk validasi pembayaran seeh nagkepnya gitu...PIN-nya nyampe katanya skitar 2 sampe 4 minggu lagi....tungguin aja deh....
Sunday, December 9, 2007
bla, bla, bla, bla......
ujan nih diluar gede seeh kayanya....
hhmm.... senin besok mulai minggu ujian tp sampe sekarang gw blom tau ujian kapan...hehehe...bodoh atau tolol...atau gak peduli???
yang jelas seeh ada 2 ujian take home, 1 gak jelas take home apa ujian standar trus yang satu lagi gak boleh ngikut karena masalah presensi....
ujan nih diluar gede seeh kayanya....
hhmm.... senin besok mulai minggu ujian tp sampe sekarang gw blom tau ujian kapan...hehehe...bodoh atau tolol...atau gak peduli???
yang jelas seeh ada 2 ujian take home, 1 gak jelas take home apa ujian standar trus yang satu lagi gak boleh ngikut karena masalah presensi....
Friday, December 7, 2007
sudah selesai 50%...ternyata cepet juga yah....tinggal ngasih background ama beberapa script proteksi code biar gak diambil orang....
tp ada sedikit permasalahan dengan browser target nya salah.....hmmm napa yah???
सुदः सेलेसी ५०%...तेर्न्यता सप्त जुगा यह....तिन्ग्गल न्गासिः बच्क्ग्रौंद अम बेबेरापा स्क्रिप्ट प्रोतेक्सी कोड बीअर गक दिंबिल ओरंग....
तप अदा सेदिकित पेर्मसलाहन देंगन ब्राउजर फिरेफोक्स....लिंक टारगेट नया सलाह.....ह्म्म्म नापा यह???
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
starting project request, kritik & saran, pengumuman, updates Paradisenet2
...sebenernya sudah disuruh bikin dari awal november tertunda gara gara bulan ini harus bikin 3 web (2 on-line store, 1 punya kampus yang sampe sekarang masih nunggu keputusan --> birokrasi aneh).
nah sekarang mumpung semuanya udh pada selesai (sbenernya blom 100% selesai seeh msh ada beberapa paper yg hrs dibikin ama satu proposal business gampanglah)
jadi project ini bisa dimulai.
yang jelas seeh layoutnya bakalan beda jauh dari design" yang sebelumnya.....karena yang kemaren (punya paradise1) ngejar target bgt jd layoutnya sederhana & simple bgt...bannernya aja bukan gw yang buat (thanks sha-sha) dan kurang inspirasi...sekarang lagi byk inspirasi neeh....gambaran layoutnya dah ada temanya juga udh ada tinggal design bannernya aja, and this project should be done before December 15th 2007 --> target
perkembangannya kalo ada yang mo ngikutin bakalan ditulis disini...oke
and sedikit bocoran warna yang bakalan byk dipake tuh ITEM
nah sekarang mumpung semuanya udh pada selesai (sbenernya blom 100% selesai seeh msh ada beberapa paper yg hrs dibikin ama satu proposal business gampanglah)
jadi project ini bisa dimulai.
yang jelas seeh layoutnya bakalan beda jauh dari design" yang sebelumnya.....karena yang kemaren (punya paradise1) ngejar target bgt jd layoutnya sederhana & simple bgt...bannernya aja bukan gw yang buat (thanks sha-sha) dan kurang inspirasi...sekarang lagi byk inspirasi neeh....gambaran layoutnya dah ada temanya juga udh ada tinggal design bannernya aja, and this project should be done before December 15th 2007 --> target
perkembangannya kalo ada yang mo ngikutin bakalan ditulis disini...oke
and sedikit bocoran warna yang bakalan byk dipake tuh ITEM
....hhmmmm dah lama gak nulis disini...
bisa dilihat kalo themenya ganti...pake yang premade mayan dari pada harus ngedit edit sendiri,, tp tetep aja seeh perlu sedikit perbaikan dari template ini....
buat yang blom tau gimana cara ganti template dari yang standar ke yang GAK standar bisa baca tutorialnya disini judulnya "how to install blogger HTML template" ama "how to install blogger XML template"
nah kan ada 2 tuh pilih aja sesuai kebutuhan...kalo templatenya pake HTML (biasanya dipermulaan script blognya ada tulisan
"!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""
kalo oyang XML kodenya rada beda....sebelum tulisan diatas ada kode
"?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?"
link buat download templtenya juga udh ada di link yang dikasih silahkan berimprovisasi deh...
kalo yang pake HTML type untuk sekarang gw blom tau gimana cara nyisipin adsensenya...
secara gw terlalu ngantuk untuk bongkar" kodenya
....jam 3 kalo msh jam 10 seeh gw jabanin deh.....
jadi untuk sekarang pake yang XML aja dulu.....
bisa dilihat kalo themenya ganti...pake yang premade mayan dari pada harus ngedit edit sendiri,, tp tetep aja seeh perlu sedikit perbaikan dari template ini....
buat yang blom tau gimana cara ganti template dari yang standar ke yang GAK standar bisa baca tutorialnya disini judulnya "how to install blogger HTML template" ama "how to install blogger XML template"
nah kan ada 2 tuh pilih aja sesuai kebutuhan...kalo templatenya pake HTML (biasanya dipermulaan script blognya ada tulisan
"!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""
kalo oyang XML kodenya rada beda....sebelum tulisan diatas ada kode
"?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?"
link buat download templtenya juga udh ada di link yang dikasih silahkan berimprovisasi deh...
kalo yang pake HTML type untuk sekarang gw blom tau gimana cara nyisipin adsensenya...
secara gw terlalu ngantuk untuk bongkar" kodenya
....jam 3 kalo msh jam 10 seeh gw jabanin deh.....
jadi untuk sekarang pake yang XML aja dulu.....
Thursday, November 29, 2007
....5:16 AM still struggling with my task to make an online store..which i've workin' on since early november...
a brief of history...firstly i have to list all of my music coll and make it as an xls file....then i've to create an xml files which contains all the data....
then from the xls i hav eto make the html for each alphabet informing the track list of the albums.... of now i've reach "T" and its getting irritating....since i'm doing this to get an A in entrepreneurship hopefuly an A+ :P
btw is open....
a brief of history...firstly i have to list all of my music coll and make it as an xls file....then i've to create an xml files which contains all the data....
then from the xls i hav eto make the html for each alphabet informing the track list of the albums.... of now i've reach "T" and its getting irritating....since i'm doing this to get an A in entrepreneurship hopefuly an A+ :P
btw is open....
Monday, November 26, 2007
akhirnya jadi juga....
setelah sebelumnya coba bikin di byethost yang ternyata hosting itu punya script buat nyelipin iklan mereka di situ kita...jadi gw secara otomatis balik lagi ke hosting gw yang dulu....
kenapa dulu gw bisa pindah ke anime.0lx dan ninggalin freehostia...karena gw pasang script rapidleech disana dan ternyata freehostia tidak memperbolehkan pemasangan script downloader apapun di servernya....
ini cuma langkah awal pembelajaran sebelum gw pake paid hosting...udh ada rencana seeh.....dan yang jelas situ biji yang baru ini bakalan byk adsense nya.....hehehe....
setelah sebelumnya coba bikin di byethost yang ternyata hosting itu punya script buat nyelipin iklan mereka di situ kita...jadi gw secara otomatis balik lagi ke hosting gw yang dulu....
kenapa dulu gw bisa pindah ke anime.0lx dan ninggalin freehostia...karena gw pasang script rapidleech disana dan ternyata freehostia tidak memperbolehkan pemasangan script downloader apapun di servernya....
ini cuma langkah awal pembelajaran sebelum gw pake paid hosting...udh ada rencana seeh.....dan yang jelas situ biji yang baru ini bakalan byk adsense nya.....hehehe....
Saturday, November 24, 2007

akhirnya dapet juga, setelah mencari cari kesana kemari keluar masuk situs komunitas jepang....dll selama kurang lebih 1 bulan lamanya....
single nya TOKIO yang hikari no machi...nemunya di KMC
kalo ada yang mo download silahkan langsung ke KMC ni linknya
+320kbps lagi......hehehehe
Monday, November 19, 2007
pagi pagi
...laper..makan bubur ayam di burjo deket paradise tp blom full...nambah molen 8 baru deh ampir tumpah...
gak tau lagi mo nulis apa......segini dulu deh...ngantuk...
gak tau lagi mo nulis apa......segini dulu deh...ngantuk...
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hancurkan Rapidshare
di suatu siang didalam bilik sebuah warnet di yogyakarta.....ditemukan sebuah file "hancurkan rapidshare.txt"
karena tertarik trus gw buka deh....isinya:
"kalo mau unlimited downloads dari rapidshare, coba pake browser TORPARK, browser ini bisa ngumpetin IP address computer kita,
jadi kita ngga usah lagi nunggu berjam-jam untuk bisa download bagian2 movies, tinggal click refresh TOR network atau restart
browser dan kita bisa langsung pake download di rapidshare memakai IP address baru, hebatnya lagi browser ini bisa berfungsi di
USB drive!
kalo mau, coba di click icon TORPARK, download and install it on your PC, its legal and completely free
tips: kalo cape nungguin download ticket coba ketik : java script:void(c=0) di address bar browser, langsung bisa download tanpa
harus nunggu hehe"
menurut gw kalo gitu kan sama aja bo'ong.....kalo downloadnya kelar...yah sukur.kalo enggak......kan harus ngulang dari awal......
mending premium dah mahal dikit tp bisa PUAS!!!!
karena tertarik trus gw buka deh....isinya:
"kalo mau unlimited downloads dari rapidshare, coba pake browser TORPARK, browser ini bisa ngumpetin IP address computer kita,
jadi kita ngga usah lagi nunggu berjam-jam untuk bisa download bagian2 movies, tinggal click refresh TOR network atau restart
browser dan kita bisa langsung pake download di rapidshare memakai IP address baru, hebatnya lagi browser ini bisa berfungsi di
USB drive!
kalo mau, coba di click icon TORPARK, download and install it on your PC, its legal and completely free
tips: kalo cape nungguin download ticket coba ketik : java script:void(c=0) di address bar browser, langsung bisa download tanpa
harus nunggu hehe"
menurut gw kalo gitu kan sama aja bo'ong.....kalo downloadnya kelar...yah sukur.kalo enggak......kan harus ngulang dari awal......
mending premium dah mahal dikit tp bisa PUAS!!!!
disuruh buat blog ama jeffan,
ini bisa dijadiin contoh...adsense-nya dah ada trus postnya yaa baru ini aja....secara baru buka....
yang lain buruan deh daftar di gmail....trus kasih usernamenya ke gw biar cepet selesai nih blog buat kalian semua.......
kalo buat konfigurasi adsense-nya ntar gw ajarin. pokoknya sekarang daftar aja dulu di gmail......
kasih tau yang lain OK!!!!!
ini bisa dijadiin contoh...adsense-nya dah ada trus postnya yaa baru ini aja....secara baru buka....
yang lain buruan deh daftar di gmail....trus kasih usernamenya ke gw biar cepet selesai nih blog buat kalian semua.......
kalo buat konfigurasi adsense-nya ntar gw ajarin. pokoknya sekarang daftar aja dulu di gmail......
kasih tau yang lain OK!!!!!
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