Thursday, October 28, 2010

Salma Hayeek

introducing Salma Hayeek...
this will be the new name of most of my iTunes purchases.
recently Ms. Salma Hayeek just bought 233 items from iTunes, they're Watchout Theres Ghost (Ghost Town), The Devil Wears Prada (Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord, Plagues, With Roots Above and Branches Below), Orgy (Candyass, Vapor Transmission, Punk Statik Paranoia), Cœur de pirate (Comme des enfants (Le Matos Remix)), Atreyu (Lead Sails and a Paper Anchor, A Death-Grip on Yesterday, Congregation of the Damned, The Curse), Protest The Hero (Fortress), all Te' albums on iTunes and Detektivbyrån (Wermland)


all of those will be share for all of you, but some items will be exclusives for some websites.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Holllow Stars...what are they??

Ever wondered why there were hollow stars and full stars on iTunes album rating??
The hollow stars represent suggested rating for an album based on the ratings you put on a song in the particular album.
Hollow stars rating only appears under an album, as for a song uses a full star rating.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Half star Rating in iTunes

iTunes for Windows half-star ratings
1. Make sure you are closed out of the iTunes application.

2. Navigate to your iTunesPrefs.xml file. It’s normally located in one of the locations below.
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes in Windows XP
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes in Vista and Windows 7.

3. Open the file using a text editor such as Notepad or Wordpad.

4. Scroll down to where is says:
< key >User Preferences< /key >
< dict >  *
5. Below that line, type the following:
< key >allow-half-stars< /key >
< data >
< /data > *

6. Close and save the iTunesPrefs.xml file.
Now, the next time you open iTunes, you should be able to give songs a rating using half-stars. The new half-star rating system is even compatible with any iPod devices you sync up with.

* remove the spaces in between < or >