Sunday, October 3, 2010

Half star Rating in iTunes

iTunes for Windows half-star ratings
1. Make sure you are closed out of the iTunes application.

2. Navigate to your iTunesPrefs.xml file. It’s normally located in one of the locations below.
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes in Windows XP
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes in Vista and Windows 7.

3. Open the file using a text editor such as Notepad or Wordpad.

4. Scroll down to where is says:
< key >User Preferences< /key >
< dict >  *
5. Below that line, type the following:
< key >allow-half-stars< /key >
< data >
< /data > *

6. Close and save the iTunesPrefs.xml file.
Now, the next time you open iTunes, you should be able to give songs a rating using half-stars. The new half-star rating system is even compatible with any iPod devices you sync up with.

* remove the spaces in between < or >

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